We gather here, at Holy Rosary Church, to nurture our faith in God and receive the strength to bring his joyful presence into the world.
“If something should rightly disturb us and trouble our consciences, it is the fact that so many of our brothers and sisters are living without the strength, light and consolation born of friendship with Jesus Christ, without a community of faith to support them, without meaning and a goal in life.” (Beniamino Card. Stella, The pastoral conversion of the parish community in the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church, June 29th, 2020)
The Parish is the spiritual home of parishioners. It is a sign of the permanent presence of the Risen Lord in the midst of his people. Each member is called to grow in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. Through the Church, each of us are called to become generous stewards of the many gifts God has given us: our time, talents and treasures.
The name of each Church is based on the devotion of a particular community. We are blessed to have Our Lady of the Holy Rosary as our patron. The rosary is not just a pious sacramental. It is a contemplative journey of prayer with Mary through the life of Christ. Looking at history, people are transformed through simple devotion to her. Mary is the masterpiece of God, which explains why when Marian devotion flourishes, so too do people. Mary as our mother brings order to those places where she is invoked and honoured. She leads her spiritual children to her Son and helps us regain what has been lost through the Fall and personal sin. Devotion to her brings purity to the soul and therefore clarity to the mind.” (The Marian Option, Gress, 2021)
Firstly, we pray. As the Trinity was and remains the center of Mary’s life, he must be ours as well. The Sunday Eucharist is central. As the Martyrs of Otranto declared, “we cannot live without the Eucharist”. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Rosary and sacramental confession help us grow spiritually. Moreover, seeking and accepting God’s will each day, living in the present moment, consoling the sick and sorrowful, humble service to others, especially the poor, all reveal authentic Christian discipleship as modelled by the Blessed Virgin.
In conclusion, Pope Francis invites us to turn to the Virgin Mother so that she may help us to say our own “yes”, conscious of the urgent need to make the Good News of Jesus resound in our time. May “she obtain for us renewed zeal in bringing to everyone the Good News of the life that is victorious over death. May she intercede for us so that we can acquire the holy audacity needed to discover new ways to bring the gift of salvation to every man and woman” (cf. The Pastoral Conversion of the Parish…).
We, the faith community of Holy Rosary, strive to foster a joyful encounter with God and our fellow parishioners.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit in Christ, we are called to serve all of our community, especially those most in need.
354 St. Clair Ave. West
Toronto, Ontario, M5P 1N4